Lowercase "Polotmavy Pivo" Czech-Style Dark Lager, Washington (16oz Can)

  • Saaz
  • 2/9/2023
  • 4.6


It's really great to see Czech style beers coming back into favor these days. For a while there I thought I was going to have to take a really long trip to a far away land to actually drink any of them. From a new to me brewery in Lowercase, operating out of the beer mecca of Seattle, this beer floored me. They got everything right about it, from the insanely perfect malt bill, to the slight nutty/roasty qualities, to the supreme drinkability this is what I want all dark lagers to be: easily drinkable and if I didn't know any better from the place they historically originated in. Kudos Lowercase! (Bryan, GTO)