2016 Pied a Terre Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon




Pied a Terre is what happens when and old-school New York Restaurant Wine Buyer asks the question "why are all the Cabernets I taste from California $100+? There has to be a way to make drinkable Cab from California for under $40, right?" Well Richard Luftig put his literal $ where is mouth was and set out to prove that he could do just that. 

For over a decade now this Pied A Terre bottling has been one of the great values in Domestic Cab. Way under the radar but still delivering everything you want in a Cab for an insane price point. Polish, oak, tannic structure, spot on fruit--this has it all--just not the insane cost. So grab a bottle tell me and Richard we are wrong-you really can make Cab in California for a reasonable price! (Bryan, GTO)