Good Times Oakland Amaro Club
As huge personal fans of Amaro we want to share that love with our customers, both those that already share our love and those who may be curious about digging more into the beautifully bitter world of these herbal driven spirits from around the world. So tuck in with some ice, or soda or nothing else and enjoy these magical elixirs with us. Plus, you get the all the fun Club Member perks like a permanent 10% discount on everything at GTO as long at your a club member (certain exceptions apply) and a chance at all the epic, allocated items that GTO can get their hands on throughout the year, plus all the other fun stuff we have up our sleeves. Expect 1-3 bottles a month and this club is available on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis.
February Good Times Amaro Club:
Du.It "Assedio" Amaro, Italy (700ml Bottle) $52.99 (Club Re-Order Price $47.69)
Baglio Baiata Alagna "Amarsa" Vino Aromatizzato Amaro, Italy (750ml Bottle) $34.99 (Club Re-Order Price $31.49)
Rhine Hall "Lola" Fernet, Illinois (750ml Bottle) $29.99 (Club Re-Order Price $26.99)